
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Gangs Guns and CC Thrive Initiative

                                    Gangs Guns and CC Thrive Initiative
By Albert B. Kelly

Cumberland County is like many counties throughout New Jersey in that we have our share of problems like gang-related violence and accompanying gun violence. But unlike those other counties, Cumberland County is unique in the ways that we work together and nowhere is that more evident than with our collective (read Vineland , Millville, Bridgeton) efforts through the “CC Thrive” initiative spearheaded by County Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McRae .

The Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office was successful in securing $750,000 through the Federal Safe and Thriving Communities Program to do a number of things including reduce gang and gun-related violence in Cumberland County. Our county was one of only 5 locations selected nationwide and this works because often, the individuals and groups that are the focus of these efforts move interchangeably between Vineland, Bridgeton, and Millville.

CC Thrive is in the planning phase, but soon it will be time to implement programs and strategies on the ground. What seems appealing about this approach is that it’s not just about enforcement. CC Thrive incorporates strategies aimed at positive youth development and includes everything from mentoring programs and housing, to economic development, expungement, and after school activities.

Understand, there are no magic bullets here and no one-size-fits-all answers to how we reduce gang-related violence and gun violence. Enforcement and the criminal justice aspect are always there and always will be. But I can’t help but believe that if there are some positive interventions early in a youngster’s life, there’s more than a chance that their lives can be productive ones that end with something other than an early death or a prison term.

Perhaps more importantly, if this program with its various interventions is effective, then it will mean that there will be fewer victims of crime and violence in our communities, fewer grieving families, fewer frightened citizens, fewer nasty headlines, fewer tax-payer dollars diverted from more productive uses to dealing with the mess, and maybe just a little more faith that our future prospects will be bright ones.

The program is also a chance. What I mean to say is that for those whose lives have drifted into the world of gangs and violence, it’s a chance to recalibrate the trajectory of their lives before it’s too late. They may not see it that way, but for some it’s one last shot in that space between when the die is cast- and when it hits the floor- to pull back from the choices and decisions that will shape the rest of their lives because whether they believe it or not, there is a point where it is just too late.  

And maybe that’s some of the real value in what CC Thrive provides for our youth. It may not seem like a value-added proposition, but when a stupid decision at seventeen can impact job prospects at thirty-five, expungement matters. When a little mentoring can provide the confidence and self-esteem at age fifteen that ends in a semester of college at nineteen, it’s absolutely worth the effort. If solving housing problems can provide enough stability so that someone can get themselves back on track, that’s no small thing either.

But we need your input to help us use these resources where they will do the most good. In order to get your input, the Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office has surveys on their website that once completed, will provide us with valuable information. The Surveys are anonymous and will take about 10 minutes with questions about how safe you feel in your neighborhood- if there are gangs, drugs, or crime present and your thoughts on why problems exist and what you think might improve things.
Beyond the survey, we will also be holding a community meeting on June 26th (Tuesday) at 6:00pm at the Marino Center located at 10 Washington St and in addition to addressing these local topics, we’ve invited Senator Booker’s staff to hold their mobile office hours there on that evening as well.

You can also learn more about the CC Thrive program via a Comcast Newsmakers segment I was fortunate enough to take part in recently at . I encourage you to check it out not because I am in it, but because the information itself is important.

No matter what, I strongly encourage everyone, including parents and teens, to visit and complete the survey. This is a resident-driven process and your voice matters most of all.